
Toddler Event: Exploring Art!

Early Learning Center at Kaune 1409 Monterey Drive, Santa Fe, United States

Join us for our monthly toddler event, which explores art through drawing, painting, collages, rocks, and canvas. Art is a...

Evento para Niños Pequeños: ¡Explorando el arte!

Early Learning Center at Kaune 1409 Monterey Drive, Santa Fe, United States

Acompáñanos en nuestro evento mensual para niños pequeños, que explora el arte a través del dibujo, la pintura, los collages,...

Feeding Your Baby: The First Six Weeks

Virtual Event

Free virtual group. Information and support regarding the first six weeks and feeding your newborn. Please RSVP with our front...

Perinatal Grief Peer Support Group

Early Learning Center at Kaune 1409 Monterey Drive, Santa Fe, United States

Open to families and support people who have experienced pregnancy loss, a stillbirth, or an infant loss. This support group...

Circulo de Seguridad

Early Learning Center at Kaune 1409 Monterey Drive, Santa Fe, United States

Acompáñenos mientras aprendemos de las diferentes técnicas parentales y conectamos con otros padres de la comunidad. Todo basado en el...

Embracing Fatherhood

Early Learning Center at Kaune 1409 Monterey Drive, Santa Fe, United States

ATTENTION Growing Up New Mexico Families!!! FATHERS AND FATHER FIGURES: Bring your child/children and engage in a variety of games...